Vitamin A Cassava - Brazil

Publication: Gomes, S., Torres, A. G., Godoy, R., Pacheco, S., Carvalho, J., & Nutti, M. (2013). Effects of Boiling and Frying on the Bioaccesibility of β-Carotene in Yellow-Fleshed Cassava Roots (Manihot Esculenta Crantz cv. BRS Jari). Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 34(1), 65–74.
Crop released?: Yes
Crop being tested?: No
Priority of crop in the country: High
Priority of the crop producction in the country: High
Priority of the crop consumption in the country: High
Priority of the micronutrient deficit in the country: Low
Country where the study/ analisis was conducted: Brazil
Food product or intermediate product origin: Brazil
Crop origin: Brazil

Study: Absorption / Bioaccessibility / Bioavailability / Bioconversion / Bioefficacy

Food state: Intermediate product
Food products
  • Boiled food
Food state: Final product
Food products
  • Fryed food