Zinc Wheat - Pakistan

Publication: Rehman, A., Farooq, M., Nawaz, A., Al?Sadi, A. M., Al-Hashmi, K. S., Nadeem, F., & Ullah, A. (2016). Characterizing Bread Wheat Genotypes of Pakistani Origin for Grain Zinc Biofortification Potential Running. 28(8), 943–959. https://doi.org/10.1002/j
Crop released?: Yes
Crop being tested?: No
Priority of crop in the country: Top
Priority of the crop producction in the country: Top
Priority of the crop consumption in the country: Top
Priority of the micronutrient deficit in the country: Top
Country where the study/ analisis was conducted:
Food product or intermediate product origin:
Crop origin: Pakistan

Study: Absorption / Bioaccessibility / Bioavailability / Bioconversion / Bioefficacy

Food state: No transformed crop