Iron Pearl Millet - Benin

Publication: Cercamondi, C. I., Egli, I. M., Mitchikpe, E., Tossou, F., Hessou, J., Zeder, C., … Hurrell, R. F. (2013). Iron Bioavailability from a Lipid-Based Complementary Food Fortificant Mixed with Millet Porridge Can Be Optimized by Adding Phytase and Ascorbic Acid but Not by Using a Mixture of Ferrous Sulfate and Sodium Iron EDTA. The Journal of Nutrition, 143(8), 1233–1239.
Crop released?: No
Crop being tested?: Yes
Priority of crop in the country: Medium
Priority of the crop producction in the country: Medium
Priority of the crop consumption in the country: Medium
Priority of the micronutrient deficit in the country: High
Country where the study/ analisis was conducted: Benin
Food product or intermediate product origin: Benin
Crop origin: Benin

Study: Absorption / Bioaccessibility / Bioavailability / Bioconversion / Bioefficacy

Food state: Final product
Food products
  • Porridge