Iron Beans - Colombia

Publication: Beintema JJS, Gallego-Castillo S, Londoño-Hernandez LF, Restrepo-Manjarres J, Talsma EF. (2018). Scaling-up biofortified beans high in iron and zinc through the school-feeding program: A sensory acceptance study with schoolchildren from two departments in southwest Colombia. Food Science & Nutrition, 6(4): 1138–1145. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.632
Crop released?: Yes
Crop being tested?: No
Priority of crop in the country: Medium
Priority of the crop producction in the country: Medium
Priority of the crop consumption in the country: Medium
Priority of the micronutrient deficit in the country: Low
Country where the study/ analisis was conducted:
Food product or intermediate product origin:
Crop origin:

Study: Sensory acceptability

Food state: Final product
Food products
  • Boiled food